The Rev. Gregory Samuel Jones

Born in Virginia, raised in Washington, D.C., and educated in Chapel Hill and lower Manhattan, Greg Jones has been Rector of St. Michael's since 2004. Greg is a published author, musician and outdoorsman. Wife Melanie is a lifelong Episcopalian, former missionary to Honduras, and realtor at Hodge & Kittrell. He has two daughters in high school and one daughter in college. He loves the Episcopal Church's venerable and beautiful heritage, especially the liturgy of the Book of Common Prayer and the sublime Anglican/Episcopal sacred musical tradition. Greg's new book, Keeping the Christ in Christian, is a collection of meditations aimed at teaching the basics of the faith to seekers and experienced believers alike. He was so honored to have Presiding Bishop Michael Curry write its foreword. Greg is particularly fond of preaching and teaching, and is always open to conversation.