ECW — St. Michael's Episcopal Church


The ECW is dedicated to serving God through fellowship and mission. As a member of St. Michael’s, every woman is automatically part of the ECW. There are four chapters, each representing a woman in a particular season in her life.

Participation in ECW includes attending General Membership gatherings, helping with the many church or community activities the ECW sponsors, and involvement in chapter gatherings.

Every year, the ECW hosts an event in the Spring. It is a wonderful opportunity for our parish to gather together for fellowship, food and fun, and on occasion raise awareness and funds for organizations in our community.

As the ECW Board prepares for another year, we would like to solicit feedback from members and supporters (women who have expressed interest, but may not currently participate) to help in the following areas:

1. Understand more about you.

2. Learn how you engage with the ECW.

3. Identify opportunities for us to evolve ECW to meet the current needs of our membership.

Please take ~3 minutes or less share a bit about yourself and your thoughts. We know this time of year can be hectic, so thank you in advance for pausing for a few minutes to help St. Michael’s ECW. Even if you do not participate regularly or at all, we want to hear from you!



Friends prepare food and serve at receptions in our Parish Hall for those who have passed away. Friends is divided into teams which rotate through the year. If your loved one has died, contact Robin Kennedy, our Parish Care Coordinator. She will inform a member of our clergy, who will meet with you to discuss arrangements and make contact with Friends, should you and your family request a reception.

If you’d like to volunteer for Friends, contact Linda Berry or Pat Thacker


Guild of the Christ Child

Guild of the Christ Child is the ministry that welcomes new babies. Several months after a St. Michael’s member welcomes a new child, Guild of the Christ Child delivers a care package that includes a meal. To announce a birth or to volunteer for Guild of the Christ Child, contact: Robin Kennedy, Parish Care Coordinator.


Cheshire House

The ECW provides several meals each semester to the Cheshire House, the Episcopal Campus Ministry at North Carolina State University. Each chapter rotates preparing meals for the students and delivering meals on Sunday afternoons to the Cheshire House near Cameron Village. 

Meals on Wheels

St. Michael’s provides teams of parishioners to deliver meals to the homebound on the first Thursday of each month. Volunteers and substitutes are always needed. 

Helen Wright Center

On the first and fifth Wednesdays of every month, teams of volunteers prepare and/or serve meals at the Helen Wright Center, Raleigh’s shelter for homeless women in downtown Raleigh. 


St. Elizabeth

6:30 p.m. fourth Monday,
meets at Church

Working and non-working women of all ages.

St. Madeleine

Luncheon Gathering
Meets Various Days

Working and non-working women of all ages.

St. Margaret

Evening Gatherings
at Church

Mothers of pre-school to middle school-aged children. Babysitting is provided.

St. Mary

10 a.m. first Monday, in the Adult Education Room

Women with teenage and young adult children and our senior members.