
Education for Ministry (EfM)

Last Sunday we celebrated the graduation of Amy Cockman and Liz Smith, who completed four years in Education for Ministry— studying the scriptures, church history, and theology. For all students in EFM, these years are also marked by community, reflecting on living out our beliefs in our daily lives, and purposely seeking where God is calling us to ministry. 

Dear God who calls everyone to ministry. You give each of us the ability to serve others. We ask for the insight, discernment & courage to act when needed. We give thanks for the opportunity to serve and for our
Church community that supports us in our ministry. May your Spirit be a constant companion through
our joys and sorrows and our routine days, that we may feel your love always. Amen.

Interested in EfM?

EfM is a unique four-year program in theological education based upon small-group study and practice.

A new class at St. Michael’s will run from mid-September until the end of May. It will meet weekly on Thursday evenings from 6-8:30 p.m. in the Adult Ed. Room.  If you are interested in joining us, or for more information, please contact Philip Lambe or Chris Laco.