July Outreach: Family Promise

Family Promise is one of three emergency shelters in Wake County that allows families to stay together, regardless of the ages and genders of children and parents. This spares parents the difficult choice between keeping their families together and finding a safe place for their children to sleep. We also offer a continuum of services and partnerships to move families all the way from homelessness to safe, affordable, permanent housing.

St. Michael’s commits to providing meals and groceries for the residents for a week, twice a year. Look for the meal sign-up around July 18.

Contact: Mary Reca Todd

2024 Mission Grants

The St. Michael’s Mission Grants Application is open.

We invite non-profits to complete the application using the link below by Sept. 5, 2024.

The Mission Grants Committee’s goal is to partner with local and global organizations to help alleviate poverty. We focus on housing, hunger, education, skill building, and access to physical and mental health care, with an emphasis on organizations that prioritize and demonstrate diversity, equity and inclusion in their organization. Our hope is that the grants provided will transform lives and bring us all closer to Jesus.

We will select up to five grant recipients, which allows St. Michael’s to make a larger financial impact on each organization and build deeper relationships with each grantee.

Send an email to grants@holymichael.org if you have any questions.

Durham Bulls vs. Gwinnett Stripers Sunday July 28 | 5:05 p.m.

Join your St. Michael's Family for a fun night at Durham Bulls Athletic Park!

  • Tickets $20/person which includes admission plus ball park food and soft drinks.

  • We have the Lowe's Foods Landing reserved. This is a private picnic area that has patio seating, yard games, and bar chairs overlooking the game. 

  • 7 tickets left!

Please note: Children under the age of two DO NOT require a ticket.

We will email the tickets to you the week before the game.

Contact: Mary Battle Roethling

OWLS Spring Fling

Congratulations to our Senior of the Year, Barbara Elliott!

Barbara , and her late husband, Paul, set up a searchable archive system to protect St. Michael’s history.

She spends multiple hours a week scanning documents and making sure our history is saved in an efficient way.

She has assisted Greg finding historic facts about St. Michael’s.

She knits prayer shawls each week.

Update from the ECW Garden Party

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Michael’s,

On behalf of the ECW, we would like to extend our deepest appreciation for the numerous ways in which this church community supported the ECW Garden Party & Auction over the past few months. Without your encouragement, participation and support, the event would not have been nearly as successful!  

We are so thankful for the St. Michael's staff members who assisted behind the scenes, for all the volunteers who pitched in before, during and after the event, for the over 300 Garden Party attendees (and many more who were there in spirit) and for all the donors who made financial and/or in-kind donations to benefit CASA's King's Ridge. Thank you!!!

We are still in the process of calculating expenses and determining proceeds, but we can confidently share at this time that we have well-surpassed our goal of $20,000! We look forward to sharing the grand total raised for CASA's King's Ridge just as soon as we have that information available. In the meantime, we are continuing to connect auction item winners with respective auction item donors, so be on the lookout for email communications over the next week.  

Thank you once again, St. Michael's! We are incredibly grateful.

Claire Duff

Chair, ECW Ways & Means

Elizabeth Harrell

Chair-Elect, ECW Ways & Means

Setting Sail with Paul: Pilgrimage Deadline June 5!

Last Call to Board! 

Don’t miss this amazing Pilgrimage on the shores of the Mediterranean.

Celebrity Cruse Discount Pricing ends June 1st.

Inspiration Travel Registration Deadline is June 5th.

Sign up before it’s too late, we’d love to have you join us! 

Vacation Bible School: June 23-27

Passport to Bethlehem

Sunday, June 23 | VBS Kickoff | 5-6:30 p.m. Family dinner provided

Monday, June 24-Thursday, June 27 | 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Thursday, June 27 | 11:30 a.m. Closing service in the transept for families.

Three-year-olds–4th graders are invited to participate.

$25 per participant

Parent Commitment: 2 volunteer sessions

Pathway to the Labyrinth

Honor a loved one with a brick paver—paving the way to our beautiful labyrinth.

Perfect for a birthday, graduation, Confirmation, Mother's Day, or Father's Day.

Acknowledgement cards are available.

$60 per brick. Mail your check to St. Michael's (1520 Canterbury Rd., 27608; Att.: Ann Garey)

You may include up the 3 lines—20 letters/spaces per line.

Email Ann Garey if you have questions (garey@holymichael.org)

April Outreach: CASA's Kings Ridge

Can you help us fill King's Ridge with Love?

CASA has teamed up with our friends over at The Green Chair Project to host a household item drive for King’s Ridge! We’re collecting basic household essentials from Amazon, ranging from measuring spoons, to shower curtains, to comforters, that will help our future residents settle in to their new homes. A well-stocked home is the best, most respectful gift we can offer as these folks transition out of homelessness! To make a purchase, click on the link below. Please note: Items must be shipped to the Green Chair Project. When checking out, choose "The Green Chair Project" that will appear in the shipping address section.

About King's Ridge

King’s Ridge is CASA’s biggest, most ambitious new construction community to date. This community will have 100 1- 2- and 3- bedroom units specifically designated for individuals and families with children exiting homelessness in Wake County. We’ll have on-site medical clinics, case managers, a tenant liaison, flexible community space, and more. King’s Ridge is under construction now, and when it opens in the Fall, we’re excited to provide a safe, comfortable, and healing home to folks who are currently experiencing homelessness. Learn more here.

Kicks for Kids Fundraiser

The 2023 St. Michael's Youth Missionaries are raising money to provide shoes for the children at Holy Cross Anglican School in San Pedro, Belize. Money raised will be used to purchase shoes that will be sent down to Belize with the 2024 mission team. The 2023 Youth Missionaries are working directly with the school to purchase the size and style of shoes needed.

There are three ways to donate:

  • Use the QR Code below.

  • Use this giving link.

  • Make out a check payable to St. Michael's and add "Kicks for Kids" in the memo line.

  • Place cash or check in an envelope labeled "Kicks for Kids" in the offering plate on Sunday.

Deadline to donate is Feb 29. Thank you for your support!

Kahle van Staveren, Ellery Ferguson,

Bayliss van Staveren, Baker Ferguson,

Richard Kennedy and Connor Jordan

Small Groups Continue (Reflection Circles and Centering Prayer)

Reflection Circles

Reflection Circles are “virtual" weekly small group gatherings. Each “circle" has 8 to 11 people and is facilitated by St. Michael’s small group leaders. We read and reflect on the Gospel readings for the coming Sunday, talk about life today and pray— all in a 45-minute Zoom conference call. Folks participating have enjoyed the fellowship and look forward to sharing Scripture and life together with a small group. Several groups are ongoing

We have found:

  • Reflection Circles foster connection for parishioners who no longer live close by, but remain interested in being part of this community.

  • Folks new to St. Michael’s can plug in quickly.

  • People can easily connect from the beach or the mountains.

  • People like being efficient — a lot of connection can happen in 45 minutes, with no travel time.

  • Small groups are about community. People miss you when you aren’t there.

We are offering five group times and can add more if there is demand.
Day and Time Options for Reflection Circles:

  • Monday 9 a.m.

  • Monday 7:30 p.m.

  • Tuesday 10 a.m.

  • Tuesday 7 p.m.

  • Wednesday 10 a.m.

Let Sam Taylor know if you have questions or are interested in joining a group (908-399-5566). If you don’t see a time that works for you, please let him know what DOES work. If there is enough interest, we will form a new group.

Centering Prayer Group

St. Michael’s centering prayer group meets by Zoom Tuesday mornings at 9 a.m. After a brief opening, we do centering prayer (silent) for 20 minutes. Then we read and discuss a book related to this topic. There is always time for personal sharing and everyone is welcome. Please come and try it with us. 

Education for Ministry (EfM)

Last Sunday we celebrated the graduation of Amy Cockman and Liz Smith, who completed four years in Education for Ministry— studying the scriptures, church history, and theology. For all students in EFM, these years are also marked by community, reflecting on living out our beliefs in our daily lives, and purposely seeking where God is calling us to ministry. 

Dear God who calls everyone to ministry. You give each of us the ability to serve others. We ask for the insight, discernment & courage to act when needed. We give thanks for the opportunity to serve and for our
Church community that supports us in our ministry. May your Spirit be a constant companion through
our joys and sorrows and our routine days, that we may feel your love always. Amen.

Interested in EfM?

EfM is a unique four-year program in theological education based upon small-group study and practice.

A new class at St. Michael’s will run from mid-September until the end of May. It will meet weekly on Thursday evenings from 6-8:30 p.m. in the Adult Ed. Room.  If you are interested in joining us, or for more information, please contact Philip Lambe or Chris Laco.