Each Easter, the St. Michael’s Altar Guild decorates the church with lilies, given by parishioners in memory of or in thanksgiving for friends and loved ones. Afterward, these beautiful plants are delivered to the sick, the home-bound and bereaved parishioners. Won’t you join us in continuing this tradition?
Each tribute is $15. Proceeds go to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund.
• Fill out the electronic form below. You will have the option to receive an invoice that you can pay by debit or credit card, or mail in a check.
• Be sure to add "given by" after each tribute. (Example: My friends and family by Jane Doe)
• If you print out a form, return it with a check made out to St. Michael's, write "Lily" on the memo line.. Leave your check in the offering plate or mail to St. Michael's, attn. Ann Garey (1520 Canterbury Rd., Raleigh, NC 27608)
• Deadline is Friday April 11.
If you need assistance, contact Ann (919-931-7183 or lilytributes@holymichael.org).