ECW Garden Party

Update from the ECW Garden Party

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Michael’s,

On behalf of the ECW, we would like to extend our deepest appreciation for the numerous ways in which this church community supported the ECW Garden Party & Auction over the past few months. Without your encouragement, participation and support, the event would not have been nearly as successful!  

We are so thankful for the St. Michael's staff members who assisted behind the scenes, for all the volunteers who pitched in before, during and after the event, for the over 300 Garden Party attendees (and many more who were there in spirit) and for all the donors who made financial and/or in-kind donations to benefit CASA's King's Ridge. Thank you!!!

We are still in the process of calculating expenses and determining proceeds, but we can confidently share at this time that we have well-surpassed our goal of $20,000! We look forward to sharing the grand total raised for CASA's King's Ridge just as soon as we have that information available. In the meantime, we are continuing to connect auction item winners with respective auction item donors, so be on the lookout for email communications over the next week.  

Thank you once again, St. Michael's! We are incredibly grateful.

Claire Duff

Chair, ECW Ways & Means

Elizabeth Harrell

Chair-Elect, ECW Ways & Means