Parish Lenten Supper | Wednesday, March. 19
Join us for food, fellowship and a brief Lenten reflection and prayer with our clergy.
On the menu for March 19: Soup, salad and sandwiches
Adults (11 and over) $8
Children (3-10) $5
No charge for ages 2 and under
Pay at the door with cash, check or card
Blood Drive | Sunday, March 16
SAVE THE DATE | BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, March 16 | 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
Every person has the power to save a life. Donating blood only takes a little of your time, and it can mean a lifetime for patients in need. Use the QR code to sign in as a guest and when asked to supply a date, use your date of birth.
Faithbuilders: Habitat for Humanity
Habitat Wake expresses gratitude to St. Michael’s for its hearts, hands, and voices to help advance Habitat for Humanity Wake County’s mission in 2024. The following video and newsletter share inspiring reflections:
Video: View this 3-minute video to hear interfaith voices share the importance of Habitat Wake’s work.
Newsletter: Read short newsletter, from Rick Beech, Habitat Wake, VP, Faith Relations.
Additionally, consider joining Habitat Wake for Local Lobby Day on April 8th and 9th.
Sign up here Fill out this form , training will be provided!
Love God, Love God’s World
Love God, Love God’s World
Nine-week program Jan. 6-March 10
Love God, Love God’s World is a film-based curriculum, ideal for Episcopalians anywhere on the journey with creation care and environmental ministry. You will learn in the company of friends about both the scripture underlying this ministry and the many opportunities to practice it. It is our hope that attendees will be inspired to pursue individual and collective action on creation care and eco-justice.
St. Michael’s will offer this nine-week program beginning Monday, January 6. It will continue every Monday through March 10. We will meet at the church from 6-7:15 p.m. Any adult who is a member of St. Michael’s is welcome to join. We are looking for members who can attend each session, so preference will be given to them. If you are interested in participating, contact one of the course facilitators below by Dec. 20.
Together in Faith: Event for Women
We have a limited number of seats available, so don’t hesitate to sign up!
Scholarships are available upon request–email Robin Kennedy.
6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Reception with Shauna Niequist*
7:00 - 7:15 p.m.
Welcome and Evening Prayer
7:15 - 8:15 p.m.
Keynote Address
*Please note: Shauna Niequist's books will be available for purchase that evening, but there will not be a book signing.
Shauna Niequist
Shauna Niequist is the New York Times bestselling author of Cold Tangerines, Bittersweet, Bread & Wine, Savor, and Present Over Perfect. She grew up in Illinois and studied English and French literature at Westmont College in Santa Barbara. As an author and blogger, Shauna writes about the beautiful and broken moments of everyday life — friendship, family, faith, food, marriage, love, babies, books, celebration, heartache, and all the other things that shape us, delight us, and reveal to us the heart of God. She is married to Aaron, and they live in New York City with their sons, Henry and Mac.
Join a Reflection Circle
We have weekly 40 to 45-minute small group gatherings. Each “circle” has 7 to 12 people, and is facilitated by St. Michael’s small group leaders. We read and reflect on the gospel readings for the upcoming Sunday, talk about life today, engage each other, and pray. Most sessions are virtual (Zoom) but all groups schedule some “in-person” meets as well. New participants are requested to attend at least 8 sessions. Participants enjoy fellowship and sharing scripture and life together in a small group.
Day and Time Options for Reflection Circles
Mondays at 9 a.m.
Tuesdays at 10 a.m.
Mondays at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
Groups plan to start around the week of Sept. 8. Contact Sam Taylor and let him know which group you are interested in. Don’t see a time that works for you? Please let us know a time that DOES work. If we have enough interest, we will form a new group.
Register children for Sunday School!
It is time to register for the 2024-25 program year!
Use the form below to sign up children birth-5th grade
Back to School Sunday
August 25 | During the 10 a.m. service
Please bring school supplies for the children of Episcopal Farmworker Ministry! Look for the red collection bin in the breezeway!
Students of all ages are invited to bring their backpacks to the 10 a.m. service for our annual Backpack Blessing. Following the service, we will kick off the new school year with Kona Ice and a Children’s Ministry Fair in the outdoor breezeway.
Receive a Blessed Backpack tag.
Meet Sunday School leaders.
Learn about our Chapel and Sunday School curriculums.
Register for Choir and meet Choir directors.
Learn about our Choir curriculum.
Shop for gifts at the Canterbury Shop Sidewalk Sale!
Donate school supplies for children in need.
Update from the ECW Garden Party
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Michael’s,
On behalf of the ECW, we would like to extend our deepest appreciation for the numerous ways in which this church community supported the ECW Garden Party & Auction over the past few months. Without your encouragement, participation and support, the event would not have been nearly as successful!
We are so thankful for the St. Michael's staff members who assisted behind the scenes, for all the volunteers who pitched in before, during and after the event, for the over 300 Garden Party attendees (and many more who were there in spirit) and for all the donors who made financial and/or in-kind donations to benefit CASA's King's Ridge. Thank you!!!
We are still in the process of calculating expenses and determining proceeds, but we can confidently share at this time that we have well-surpassed our goal of $20,000! We look forward to sharing the grand total raised for CASA's King's Ridge just as soon as we have that information available. In the meantime, we are continuing to connect auction item winners with respective auction item donors, so be on the lookout for email communications over the next week.
Thank you once again, St. Michael's! We are incredibly grateful.
Claire Duff
Chair, ECW Ways & Means
Elizabeth Harrell
Chair-Elect, ECW Ways & Means
Vacation Bible School: June 23-27
Passport to Bethlehem
Sunday, June 23 | VBS Kickoff | 5-6:30 p.m. Family dinner provided
Monday, June 24-Thursday, June 27 | 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Thursday, June 27 | 11:30 a.m. Closing service in the transept for families.
Three-year-olds–4th graders are invited to participate.
$25 per participant
Parent Commitment: 2 volunteer sessions
Take a look back at Greg Jones’ 20 years of ministry at St. Michael’s!
Habitat House Episcopal Build
Thanks to everyone who participated at the Episcopal Build on April 13!
Debi Radisch: Senior of the Year
What a fun day of entertainment, food & fellowship
as we gathered to announce our 2023 Senior of the Year—Debi Radisch!
We thank Debi for all of the OWLS planning this year—outings, lunches & speakers.
If you have any ideas for 2023-24 OWLS agenda, contact Holly Gloff .
Social Justice and Racial Equity Pilgrimage to Georgia and Alabama: May 31 – June 4
The Rev. Mary Davila, and members of Christ Church, invite St. Michael’s parishioners to join them on a pilgrimage to Atlanta and Alabama.
Highlights include:
National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta
Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site Visitor Center
Tuskegee Airman National Historic Site in Montgomery
National Memorial and Museum for Peace and Justice
Cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, just as many did on March 7, 1965
National Voting Rights Museum
Holy Eucharist at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Plus much more!
The details including itinerary, costs*, transportation, accommodations, terms & conditions are outlined in thie brochure below.
*The final price depends upon the number of participants. Space is limited; register below For questions or additional information, contact: Mary Davila, Assistant Rector, Christ Church.
Read the Winter 2023 Archangel
Congratulations Vestry Class of 2025
We’re excited to announce our new Vestry class of 2025: Phil Lambe, Jeff McLamb, Sally Norton, Mike Penick and Ruth Scott. We thank all our nominees and for all who attended our Annual Meeting.
And we thank Katherine Poole, our senior warden; Matt Marchione, junior warden; Liz Driscoll, clerk; and Melissa Raley — Class of 2022. Well done, good and faithful servants!
Read the Fall 2022 Archangel
Our Fall issue tells the story of the Duff family, who helped plant the seed that grew into St. Michael's. We celebrate the 20th anniversary of Gifts of Grace, our signature Outreach fundraising event, by looking back at its origins. And our curate, the Rev. David Nichols, shares his path from son of a preacher to becoming a priest. We take a look at Sacred Ground, a series on race founded in faith, and we say farewell to our beloved computer guru, Bob Spaziano, whose "retiring" from a decades-long lay ministry keeping all our tech needs in order.
No Fuss Directory 2022
These days, nobody wants to corral the kids, dress them up, find a slot when no one has other plans and show up for a church directory photograph you’ll never buy. But with a growing church like ours, it’s important to have a secure way to browse “who’s who” in our parish. Our last directory, created in 2017, was out of date before it was printed. So this year, we are hoping you’ll take a few seconds to browse your phone for a picture of your family that you love and send it to us. We’ll upload it to your family information in our database and make it available to all of our parishioners through our member portal. So help everyone in our parish get to know each other by sending your photo to us! Deadline: Sunday, Oct. 23.
Susan Rountree is also available to take a quick photo of you or your family on Sunday mornings. She will be available at the Parish Picnic, on Sunday, Oct. 9. Questions? Contact Susan Rountree.
Small Groups Continue this Fall!
Reflection Circles
St Michael’s Reflection Circles continue to meet. Each “circle” has 7 to 10 people and is facilitated by trained St. Michael’s small group leaders. We read and reflect on the Gospel for the coming Sunday, talk about life today, engage each other, and pray— all in a weekly 45-minute Zoom call. Five groups are operating now, and most could welcome one or two more participants. We will also add more groups as there is interest.
Day and Time Options
Mondays at 9 a.m.
Mondays at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesdays at 10 a.m
Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
Wednesdays at 10 a.m
To join, click “Email Sam Taylor” below, and let him know which group interests you. Don't see a time that works for you? Please let us know what DOES work. If there is enough interest, we will form a new group
If you have additional questions, contact Sam Taylor (908-399-5566)
Centering Prayer | Tuesdays at 9 a.m.
We have 20 minutes of centering prayer followed by a book discussion. All are welcome to join. No experience is necessary. For more information about Centering Prayer, please contact Leon Woodruff below.
The Youth Ministry Needs Your Help this Fall!
We will need volunteers to help kick off our 2022-23 program year which runs September-May.
Contact: Abby Van Noppen (