St. Michael's Episcopal Church

Pathway to the Labyrinth

Honor a loved one with a brick paver—paving the way to our beautiful labyrinth.

Perfect for a birthday, graduation, Confirmation, Mother's Day, or Father's Day.

Acknowledgement cards are available.

$60 per brick. Mail your check to St. Michael's (1520 Canterbury Rd., 27608; Att.: Ann Garey)

You may include up the 3 lines—20 letters/spaces per line.

Email Ann Garey if you have questions (

Read the Winter 2023 Archangel

The Winter 2023 Archangel explores angels — from our patron saint Michael to Uriel, Raphael and Gabriel to the angels that touch us a little closer to home. Click on the image below to view the online version.


Owls Events for March

Lecture: Thursday, March 3 | 2 p.m.

Catherine Lawrence, Art Hostorian presents: “Christian Art: The Human and the Divine”

From the catacombs beneath Rome to the grandeur of the Renaissance, the spirit of Christianity is written in its sacred art.  Artists have created images of Jesus Christ, his disciples, the Virgin Mary, saints and martyrs for over 2,000 years. How did they express Christian theology in creating human representations of the Divine? Christian art reflects the history of our faith and delivers the message of hope to present and future generations. This spirit is summed up in the words of the Psalmist: “O worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness.” 

Parish Day School Has a Few Openings

St. Michael's Parish Day School registration period has ended, there are a few spaces available. For more information about our half-day preschool program, please see our viewbook. If you would like to schedule a tour or learn more about available space, please contact Mandy Annunziata, Parish Day School Director at 919-782-6430.

Digging Deep: What Was Here Before St. Michael's?

Have you ever wondered what was on the site before Saint Michael's was built? Greg Jones has wondered for a long time. On Tuesday, Dec. 7, at 6 p.m., he will share what he's uncovered about the history of our land and the neighboring area, including Oberlin Village, the once prosperous black community right next to us. This will be a survey of the history of Raleigh since before 1792, with a focus on the vicinity around Saint Michael's. Interesting, unexpected, and also painful historical realities will be discussed.

Join Greg in the Nave for this fascinating history. The talk will be live-streamed on Facebook Live. 

Adult Forum
Tuesday, Dec. 7,
 at 6 p.m., in the Nave

What was here before St. Michael’s
with the Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones

Congrats to Susan Little!

Our own Susan Little, financial administrator, celebrates 30 years of service at St. Michael’s this week! In those years, she has served with all four of our rectors, expertly managing our finances through three decades — through two recessions, recovery and now a pandemic. She continues to be a crucial and valued member of our team. We thank Susan for her steadfast commitment to and love for our parish and her people. Here what our rector has to say:

The great Susan Little, exemplifies this kind of steadfast love in a way that humbles me as a colleague. This week she marks her thirtieth year on the staff of St. Michael’s. She is without question a central pillar of this entire household of God. I cannot overstate how much our fiscal health and core-strength good stewardship of God’s resources is thanks to Susan’s diligence, commitment, and three decades of long hours. Susan’s ministry has been and is simply essential to the health of this church, and honestly, we can never thank her enough. All we can do is pray she stays another thirty years.

Steadfast love builds God's house, and so does Susan Little.

If you see Susan, tell her thank you for her continued love and service.

Volunteer! Camden Street Learning Garden

The Social Justice Ministry Committee is sponsoring a parish workday at Camden Street Learning Garden on Thursday, Nov. 11 from 9 a.m.-noon. There are only eight slots available. Bring masks, garden gloves and closed-toed shoes.

Join the Young Adult Bible Study!

The Fall Young Adult Bible Study will begin on Thursday, Oct. 14 at 7:30pm on Zoom, led by seminarian David Nichols. We will be reading St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians together during the Fall months. No pre-reading is required for this meeting, just show up!

The study will continue on these dates:

Oct. 28
Nov. 11 & 18
Dec. 7

In-person Porch Fellowship events are planned for Nov. 7 & Dec 5.

We hope to see many of you there as we study this letter in the coming weeks.

We Celebrated!

Our homecoming picnic was a terrific success! Thank you to all who turned out to celebrate our 71st birthday.

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Women's Bible Study

Join our Women’s Bible Study
How Much More: Discovering God’s Extravagant Love in Unexpected Places

  • Tuesday evenings: Sept. 28–Nov. 9, 6:30 - 8 p.m.

  • Friday mornings: Oct.1–Nov. 12, 9:30 - 11 a.m.

From beginning to end, the Bible is a love story. Maybe your head knows that God is always good, but in these troubling times, your heart’s not so sure. Thankfully, in this 7-session Bible study by Lisa Harper, we will learn how our Creator Redeemer’s unconditional love is woven throughout Scripture. Join us as we dive in and discover at a deeper level than you are — and always have been — the object of His affection.

Sign Up for Child Care

In our new program year, we have opportunities for parents to worship, join our newcomer classes and also attend our Tuesday Adult Forums. Click the links below and sign your child up for Nursery or Child Care. If you attend an evening event, please be sure to feed your children at home before joining us. We will not be serving food this year.

We’d like all children registered for our Nursery Care Ministry.

Join Our Newcomer Classes!

We are excited to announce that our classes for newcomers will resume this fall! If you have been visiting us during the pandemic (in-person and online), these classes are encouraged for all who are new to the parish and seeking membership at St. Michael's.

Led by the Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones, the classes are designed to immerse you in the life of our parish.

Wednesdays, 6:15pm - 7:30pm
Intro To St. Michael’s: September 15, 22 & 29, & Oct. 6 — for all new to our parish

We offer child care with advance reservations.

Come Home To St. Michael's !

We hope you will all come home to St. Michael’s soon! See our modified Sunday schedule below:

Modified Schedule for fall

Service Schedule
8 am
— Holy Eucharist
10 am — Holy Eucharist with choir
All attendees must be masked at both services

Children’s Programming during the 10 a.m. service
9:45 am-11 am

• Nursery care for ages 6 weeks - 2 years
• Sunday School for ages 2-5th grade

Classroom Locations

  • 3 – 4-year-olds and Kindergarten will be in the Parish Hall. Check-in/check-out will be located outside of the Parish Hall breezeway.

  • 1st and 2nd grades will be in the Convocation room. Check-in/check-out will be located outside of the Convocation Room breezeway.

  • 3rd through 5th grades will be in the Adult Education Room, down the office hallway. Parent check-in/check-out for these students will be at the Adult Ed. room.

    Please register your child for our Sunday School program.
    (All staff and volunteers are vaccinated. Staff and children 2 and older must wear masks.)

Learn more about our plans for children here.

Episcopal Youth Community

Our 6th - 12th graders will began Sunday evening EYC on Sunday, Sept. 19, and will meet twice a month. More information will be sent to parents by email to those registered for the program.

Adult Formation

Our Adult Formation program moves to Tuesdays this fall.
”Wanderings in the Bible: Not all who wander are lost.”
The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones, the Rev. Dr. James L. Pahl Jr., and Jeff Hensley, theologian in residence, will examine the wanderers in the Bible.
6 pm, Tuesdays, twice a month, in the Nave

• Sept. 14 — Abraham
• Sept. 28 — Moses
• Oct. 12 — The Israelites
• Oct. 26 — Jonah
• Nov. 9 — Job

Take a Creativity Pilgrimage

“Creativity is God’s gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God.” — Julia Cameron, author

Join our “Creative Pilgrimage,” a weekly learning circle convened by the Rev. Holly Gloff and small group leader Shelia Pueschel. Meeting each Monday from Sept. 13 - Nov. 29, the group will use Cameron’s book Its Never Too Late to Begin Again — Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Mid-Life and Beyond as text and resource.

“Creative Pilgrimage,” A Learning Circle
Mondays 10 am-11:30 am
Sept. 13 - Nov. 29
home of Holly Gloff

Participants will cultivate their creativity to navigate a new stage of life and nurture their souls. Together they will explore life stories and create memoirs in some art form, breaking this task into manageable segments. They will also learn several techniques to provide focus, inspiration and clarity, such as artists dates, solo walks and morning pages.

Most importantly, they will journey together with fellow pilgrims into their past and present lives. As Julia Cameron puts it, “When we open ourselves to exploring our creativity, we open ourselves to God.”

A commitment to attendance and completing weekly assignments is necessary.

As Julia Cameron puts it, “When we open ourselves to exploring our creativity, we open ourselves to God.” at Holly’s house. For questions or to register, email Shelia.

Live Streaming Continues

We are excited that so many of you are returning to church! It's great to see you. We realize, though, that not everyone can attend in person, so we will continue to stream our services on Facebook Live through the summer. We have invested in new equipment that should prove more reliable. We will also be recording audio of the sermons and will post those at You do not have to have Facebook to watch our services live.

Summer Worship Schedule

Our Summer has begun, with services at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.

  • Please note:

  • At 8 a.m., masks are not required for those who have been vaccinated. This is a said Holy Eucharist, no singing.

  • At 10 a.m., masks are required, even beneath a face shield.

  • Distancing required when entering, while seated, and during the distribution of the sacrament.

  • Please remain masked and keep six feet apart when exiting the church and greeting others.

  • MASKED congregational singing is allowed.

Are You Visiting Us?

If you've been searching for church during this challenging time and have found us online, welcome! We'd like to get to know you!

Though our recorded services have ended, you can view any of our past services online on our home page or on our YouTube channel.

Also, consider attending a service in person Sundays at 8am & 10am. Or watch the service on Facebook Live at 10 a.m.

Explore our website to learn more about us, and consider participating in virtual gatherings and small group offerings. Links to all these can be found on our home page. We are thankful for your presence in our community. If you'd like to receive our weekly emails, sign up here.

Child Care

Starting June 27, we will offer child care for children ages 6 weeks - 6 years while parents participate on-site in the 10AM worship service.

  • Child care offered at 10am service only – No child care July 4

  • To register your child, visit Children's Ministry at

  • Staff are required to be vaccinated and wear masks

  • Children 5-6 years old are required to wear masks

  • It is strongly recommended that children 2-4 years old wear masks

Child care is located on the lower level in the Toddler Nursery (Room 9) and the Kindergarten Class (Room 11). For more information visit, the Children’s Ministry webpage.

We don’t plan newcomer classes until fall. We do look forward to seeing you in our newcomer classes and at our newcomer dinner when we are a healthy world and able to gather freely again. Please make yourself known to Lee Hayden, Director of Newcomer Ministry, to register in our parish. We warmly welcome you to our church family and give thanks to God that you have come.

We’d like to get to know you.

Please, take a minute to fill out the online newcomer form below.

If you have any questions about St. Michael’s and/or becoming a member, we invite you to contact
Lee Hayden, the Director of Operations and Newcomer Ministry.

Sunday, May 23, 2021