Habitat Wake expresses gratitude to St. Michael’s for its hearts, hands, and voices to help advance Habitat for Humanity Wake County’s mission in 2024. The following video and newsletter share inspiring reflections:
Video: View this 3-minute video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnLbpUA1J28 to hear interfaith voices share the importance of Habitat Wake’s work.
Newsletter: Read short newsletter, https://www.icontact-archive.com/archive?c=1784689&f=20204&s=24960&m=269719&t=07dfd2b27674d29456d3c77fdebb7863c734caef3b0009e737f3a6ad435713fe from Rick Beech, Habitat Wake, VP, Faith Relations.
Additionally, consider joining Habitat Wake for Local Lobby Day on April 8th and 9th.
Sign up here Fill out this form , training will be provided!