Bible study

Small Groups Continue (Reflection Circles and Centering Prayer)

Reflection Circles

Reflection Circles are “virtual" weekly small group gatherings. Each “circle" has 8 to 11 people and is facilitated by St. Michael’s small group leaders. We read and reflect on the Gospel readings for the coming Sunday, talk about life today and pray— all in a 45-minute Zoom conference call. Folks participating have enjoyed the fellowship and look forward to sharing Scripture and life together with a small group. Several groups are ongoing

We have found:

  • Reflection Circles foster connection for parishioners who no longer live close by, but remain interested in being part of this community.

  • Folks new to St. Michael’s can plug in quickly.

  • People can easily connect from the beach or the mountains.

  • People like being efficient — a lot of connection can happen in 45 minutes, with no travel time.

  • Small groups are about community. People miss you when you aren’t there.

We are offering five group times and can add more if there is demand.
Day and Time Options for Reflection Circles:

  • Monday 9 a.m.

  • Monday 7:30 p.m.

  • Tuesday 10 a.m.

  • Tuesday 7 p.m.

  • Wednesday 10 a.m.

Let Sam Taylor know if you have questions or are interested in joining a group (908-399-5566). If you don’t see a time that works for you, please let him know what DOES work. If there is enough interest, we will form a new group.

Centering Prayer Group

St. Michael’s centering prayer group meets by Zoom Tuesday mornings at 9 a.m. After a brief opening, we do centering prayer (silent) for 20 minutes. Then we read and discuss a book related to this topic. There is always time for personal sharing and everyone is welcome. Please come and try it with us.