Ms. Carolyn tells the story of the Wise Men and the gifts they brought to the Christ Child.

In singing The Magnificat, Mary sings a song of liberation sung by an empowered agent of God. How can we be co-creators in God’s kingdom?

Choirmaster and organist Kevin Kerstetter shares two beloved settings of the Magnificat, the Song of Mary, and Karen Wagoner chants this beloved song of praise.

Ms. Carolyn & Ms. Stella put on a puppet show based on the book, Jesus' Christmas Party, by Nicholas Allan.

The Rev. Dr. James L. Pahl Jr. asks how we can live into the joy we’ve been asked to share. Paul tells us to pray without ceasing and give thanks in every circumstance. It’s not easy but it’s possible.

Organist and choirmaster Kevin Kerstetter discusses the Song of Simeon, a familiar chant sung during Choral Evensong. Also known as the Song of Simeon, the chant celebrates the moment when the baby Jesus was presented in the temple by his parents. St. Michael’s Compline choir performs.

Ms. Stella tells about the first visitors to Bethlehem—the shepherds! Ms. Kim sings “Mary Had a Baby.”

The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones: John the Baptist was the last true prophet of the people of God