Men's Bible Study

Bible Study & Worship Opportunties

Centering Prayer (Zoom) | Tuesdays at 9 a.m.

If you'd like to participate, please contact one of the leaders.

Contact Nancy Board

Contact Leon Woodruff

Lectionary Bible Study | Wednesdays at 11 a.m.

Join The Rev. Holly Gloff for the weekly Wednesday Bible Study. We will meet on Zoom this Wednesday at 11 a.m. It’s an informal study of the upcoming week’s lectionary readings. All are welcome.

Zoom Link

Lectionary for May 2

12:15 p.m. Wednesday Eucharist 

Join us on Wednesdays in the transept for our traditional Rite One service. No need to sign up. All are welcome. 

Men's Bible Study | Thursdays at 7 a.m.

Join our Zoom meeting each Thursday to discuss the Sunday readings.

Add me to the Zoom List

Lectionary for May 2

Bible Study & Prayer Opportunities

St. Michael’s offers a number of Bible Study opportunities each week that meet safely, by Zoom. We hope you’ll join us.

Wednesday Bible Study

Join The Rev. Holly M. Gloff for the weekly Wednesday Bible Study. We will meet on Zoom each Wednesday from noon–1 p.m.Those who are working can perhaps join us during their lunch hour. It’s an informal study of the upcoming week’s lectionary readings. All are welcome! Questions? Contact Holly M. Gloff.

Bible Study Zoom Link

Morning Prayer

  • Wednesdays at 8 a.m. Led by parishioner Mary McMillan

  • Sundays at 11 a.m. Led by various parishioners

Morning Prayer Zoom Link (for both)

Men's Bible Study | Thursdays at 7 a.m.

Join our Zoom meeting each Thursday to discuss the Sunday readings.

Add me to the Zoom List