Parish Directory

No Fuss Directory 2022

These days, nobody wants to corral the kids, dress them up, find a slot when no one has other plans and show up for a church directory photograph you’ll never buy. But with a growing church like ours, it’s important to have a secure way to browse “who’s who” in our parish. Our last directory, created in 2017, was out of date before it was printed. So this year, we are hoping you’ll take a few seconds to browse your phone for a picture of your family that you love and send it to us. We’ll upload it to your family information in our database and make it available to all of our parishioners through our member portal. So help everyone in our parish get to know each other by sending your photo to us! Deadline: Sunday, Oct. 23.

Susan Rountree is also available to take a quick photo of you or your family on Sunday mornings. She will be available at the Parish Picnic, on Sunday, Oct. 9. Questions? Contact Susan Rountree.