Statement on Reconciliation

Statement on Racial Reconciliation


St. Michael's Episcopal Church

Dear Friends,

In the wake of recent events in our city and nation, we the Vestry and Clergy of St. Michael’s are reminded yet again of our need to formally decry the sin of racism and to commit ourselves to the work of reconciliation in our church and society. As followers of Jesus, we believe our mission involves loving, liberating and life-giving work to address racial inequities in our marginalized communities.  

For some, adopting this work may mean attending protests and putting our bodies on the front lines. For others, it may mean showing concern and compassion toward our sisters and brothers of color through our many outreach ministries. For many, it will mean educating ourselves on the history and current prevailing issues of race and systemic racial oppression, including in our religious institutions. For all of us, it means prayer — prayer for people of color, for the police who serve our community, and for struggling business owners as we seek justice, forgiveness, unity, and love. 

We understand that the fight against racism and oppression begins with listening. We pray God will allow us to listen with our heart, hands, feet and bodies, so that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love.


The Vestry and Clergy of St. Michael's