On the feast of St. Michael we celebrate our 70th year as a parish. The Rev. Holly Gloff examines Paul’s letter to the Philippians, instructing them on how to find joy in serving others rather than ourselves.

Noah loved God, and God loved Noah. But the other people in the world were doing bad things. So God asked Noah to build an ark and to bring his family and all the animals of the world onto the ark. Join Ms. Carolyn for the Noah’s journey and create a special symbol of God’s love for us at the end.
Are you looking to find ways to involve your teenager?
Virtual EYC—1st & 3rd Sundays !
This fall, middle school and high school students will meet with Abby and EYC leaders on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month via Zoom. We will send out an email to parents and students, who are registered, with the link to the Zoom. Join us for formation, activities, conversations and fellowship as we connect digitally.