The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones explores the notion of "Opposite Day," and how in God's world, it's always Opposite Day. Jesus came to tell us that, and to install the Kingdom here. His message: Love God, Love Neighbor, Love Self shows us that Jesus is our only hope to a just world, rooted in the Kingdom of God.

The Rev. Holly M. Gloff tells the story of Mildred Holland, the wife of an Anglican priest who served his congregation of St. Mary's Church in Huntingfield, Suffolk, from 1848-1891. During that time, Mildred took it upon herself to recreate the splendor of the 15th century Angel ceiling. The ceiling is filled with colorful images of angels, the 12 apostles and two female saints. Mildred labored for three-and-a-half years, often lying on her back, to create the work of art.

Miss Stella shares the story of Creation using Beulah Land.
Are you looking to find ways to involve your teenager?
Virtual EYC—1st & 3rd Sundays !
This fall, middle school and high school students will meet with Abby and EYC leaders on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month via Zoom. We will send out an email to parents and students, who are registered, with the link to the Zoom. Join us for formation, activities, conversations and fellowship as we connect digitally.