The Prodigal Son

Teachable Moment Series for Epipany: The Return of the Prodigal Son

Beginning Sunday, Jan.10 and continuing through Sunday, Feb.14, please tune-in for the short "Teachable Moment" videos on the Prodigal Son. As we enter the new year and now Epiphany (the Season of Lights), we begin a six-week series based on the book The Return of the Prodigal Son by the late Catholic priest and theologian, Henri Nouwen. This is not a book study per se, rather short teachings each week based on the book that will take us deeper into this parable from the Gospel of Luke 15.

Nouwen wrote this book based on his experience with Rembrandt’s famous rendition of the Prodigal Son that is on display in the Hermitage in Russia. As he sat across from the painting for hours, new revelations of this parable manifested themselves as the light hit the painting from different angles. For to be human is to encounter nature, people, art and ideas.When we allow these encounters to speak to us, challenge us, change us, then we are truly human, created anew over and over by Gods transforming power through the created world. Are we observers or participants? Presented by clergy and others. Join us!