The Rev. Dr. James L. Pahl Jr

Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021

Christmas Eve Service, Dec. 24, 2020

Christmas Eve Service, Dec. 24, 2020

The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones poses some difficult questions on Christmas Eve 2020, as we gather virtually to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Fall 2020 Archangel

Though Archangel has been delayed in mailing, you can now read your copy here. Read stories from our clergy, find yourselves in the pews, in the hallways of Rex Hospital and in your own driveway, as we navigate our world, together though apart.

Service, Sunday, August 16, 2020

Winter 2020 Archangel

The winter issue of our magazine, Archangel, was delayed in printing and is now on its way to your home. You can take a peek at it now online. This year it’s our 70th year as a parish, and we are taking a look at hour history, starting with an interview with longtime parishioner Ford Worthy. Inside find stories about our choral scholars, our music mentor/mentee program, the wisdom gleaned from a 100-year-old mom and so much more.

Take a look!