Holy Eucharist Live Videos on Wednesdays and Sundays

Starting Wednesday, July 22, the Rev. Greg Jones will celebrate Holy Eucharist live via Facebook Live, and we invite everyone to participate.

Services times:

Wednesdays, 12:15 pm

Sundays, 5 pm

Following the Sunday services, parishioners are invited to share in an agape meal — love feast — in their homes.

Read more about it here. We hope to continue these services as long as our doors are closed.

An Order for At Home Love Feast

  • Set out a plate with bread, olive oil, olives, grapes, or other items.

  • Light a candle on the table.

  • Blessing over the food: Come Lord Jesus, our Guest to be, And bless these gifts bestowed by Thee. Bless thy dear ones everywhere, and keep them in thy loving care. Amen

  • Conclude with the Lord's Prayer

Participating in the live broadcast is easy!

Connect with us on the St. Michael’s Facebook page.

Don’t have a Facebook account? We’ll email a direct link to the video, but you can access it here. You do not need a Facebook account to watch.

We hope you’ll take advantage of these new offerings, as our time apart from each other continues.