Sign Up for Child Care

In our new program year, we have opportunities for parents to worship, join our newcomer classes and also attend our Tuesday Adult Forums. Click the links below and sign your child up for Nursery or Child Care. If you attend an evening event, please be sure to feed your children at home before joining us. We will not be serving food this year.

We’d like all children registered for our Nursery Care Ministry.

Join Our Newcomer Classes!

We are excited to announce that our classes for newcomers will resume this fall! If you have been visiting us during the pandemic (in-person and online), these classes are encouraged for all who are new to the parish and seeking membership at St. Michael's.

Led by the Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones, the classes are designed to immerse you in the life of our parish.

Wednesdays, 6:15pm - 7:30pm
Intro To St. Michael’s: September 15, 22 & 29, & Oct. 6 — for all new to our parish

We offer child care with advance reservations.

Come Home To St. Michael's !

We hope you will all come home to St. Michael’s soon! See our modified Sunday schedule below:

Modified Schedule for fall

Service Schedule
8 am
— Holy Eucharist
10 am — Holy Eucharist with choir
All attendees must be masked at both services

Children’s Programming during the 10 a.m. service
9:45 am-11 am

• Nursery care for ages 6 weeks - 2 years
• Sunday School for ages 2-5th grade

Classroom Locations

  • 3 – 4-year-olds and Kindergarten will be in the Parish Hall. Check-in/check-out will be located outside of the Parish Hall breezeway.

  • 1st and 2nd grades will be in the Convocation room. Check-in/check-out will be located outside of the Convocation Room breezeway.

  • 3rd through 5th grades will be in the Adult Education Room, down the office hallway. Parent check-in/check-out for these students will be at the Adult Ed. room.

    Please register your child for our Sunday School program.
    (All staff and volunteers are vaccinated. Staff and children 2 and older must wear masks.)

Learn more about our plans for children here.

Episcopal Youth Community

Our 6th - 12th graders will began Sunday evening EYC on Sunday, Sept. 19, and will meet twice a month. More information will be sent to parents by email to those registered for the program.

Adult Formation

Our Adult Formation program moves to Tuesdays this fall.
”Wanderings in the Bible: Not all who wander are lost.”
The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones, the Rev. Dr. James L. Pahl Jr., and Jeff Hensley, theologian in residence, will examine the wanderers in the Bible.
6 pm, Tuesdays, twice a month, in the Nave

• Sept. 14 — Abraham
• Sept. 28 — Moses
• Oct. 12 — The Israelites
• Oct. 26 — Jonah
• Nov. 9 — Job

September Collection: Note in the Pocket

As the new school year begins, Note in the Pocket is launching a Back-to-School campaign to clothe 1,000 students from now through September.

Note in the Pocket provides donated and purchased clothing to impoverished and homeless children and their families in Wake County with dignity and love.

Your donation of school-appropriate clothing will make a big difference for these children! New and gently used shoes and clothing of all sizes are accepted for donation, but the items most useful to students are clothing items in size 5Ts through adult sizes. The most needed items are listed below.

GIRL SHIRTS – (Short & Long sleeve t-shirts) Sizes 5, 8, 10 & 12

GIRL PANTS – (Jeans & Athletic Pants) Sizes 5, 8, 12 & 16

GIRL UNDERWEAR – Sizes 5, 16 & 18

GIRL TENNIS SHOES – (Athletic shoes) Sizes 1, 3 & 4

BOY SHIRTS – (Short & Long sleeve t-shirts) Sizes: 5, 8, 10, & 12

BOY PANTS – (Jeans & Athletic Pants) Sizes 7, 8, 10 & 12


BOY TENNIS SHOES – Sizes 1, 4, 6, 6.5 & 7


WOMEN SHIRTS – (Long sleeve shirts & sweaters) Medium

WOMEN PANTS – (Jeans & Athletic) Size 14, 16 & XL


WOMEN TENNIS SHOES – Sizes 6, 8.5, & 9

WOMEN COATS – Size Medium, XL & XXL


MEN SHIRTS – (Short sleeve t-shirts) Sizes Small, Medium & Large

MEN PANTS – (Jeans) Sizes 32×32, 32×34, 34×32

MEN UNDERWEAR – (Boxers or Boxer Briefs) Size Medium: 32-34 & Large: 36-38

MEN TENNIS SHOES – Sizes 9 & 9.5

MEN COATS – Size Small & Medium

GIFT CARDS – Walmart, Target, Amazon, Kohl's, etc.

Please place donations in the red bin in the Parish Hall and they will be delivered at the end of September.

Take a Creativity Pilgrimage

“Creativity is God’s gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God.” — Julia Cameron, author

Join our “Creative Pilgrimage,” a weekly learning circle convened by the Rev. Holly Gloff and small group leader Shelia Pueschel. Meeting each Monday from Sept. 13 - Nov. 29, the group will use Cameron’s book Its Never Too Late to Begin Again — Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Mid-Life and Beyond as text and resource.

“Creative Pilgrimage,” A Learning Circle
Mondays 10 am-11:30 am
Sept. 13 - Nov. 29
home of Holly Gloff

Participants will cultivate their creativity to navigate a new stage of life and nurture their souls. Together they will explore life stories and create memoirs in some art form, breaking this task into manageable segments. They will also learn several techniques to provide focus, inspiration and clarity, such as artists dates, solo walks and morning pages.

Most importantly, they will journey together with fellow pilgrims into their past and present lives. As Julia Cameron puts it, “When we open ourselves to exploring our creativity, we open ourselves to God.”

A commitment to attendance and completing weekly assignments is necessary.

As Julia Cameron puts it, “When we open ourselves to exploring our creativity, we open ourselves to God.” at Holly’s house. For questions or to register, email Shelia.

Live Streaming Continues

We are excited that so many of you are returning to church! It's great to see you. We realize, though, that not everyone can attend in person, so we will continue to stream our services on Facebook Live through the summer. We have invested in new equipment that should prove more reliable. We will also be recording audio of the sermons and will post those at You do not have to have Facebook to watch our services live.

Volunteer with Children & Youth Ministries

Our children’s and youth ministry team is gearing up to welcome children, youth and families back in the children’s chapels, classrooms and hallways at St. Michael’s this fall! We plan to offer in-person Sunday school and programs for children and youth this fall, and we’d love to include you in the fun for the 2021-22 program year.

To help us prepare and plan for the fall, we would love to know if you are able and feel called to join us. There are many ways to be involved and we, as well as the children and youth of St. Michael’s, need you!

Parish Day School Has Job Openings!

The Parish Day School seeks enthusiastic, warm, and loving preschool teachers for the 2021-22 school year. We're hiring lead and assistant teachers for our new MW/TuTh Older Toddler classes. Also, we need a TuTh Younger 2s assistant. Hours are 8:45am-1:15pm, late August through May. Bachelor's degree in early childhood education or related degree and prior preschool teaching experience preferred for lead teacher positions. Birth-Kindergarten certification is a plus!

Summer Worship Schedule

Our Summer has begun, with services at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.

  • Please note:

  • At 8 a.m., masks are not required for those who have been vaccinated. This is a said Holy Eucharist, no singing.

  • At 10 a.m., masks are required, even beneath a face shield.

  • Distancing required when entering, while seated, and during the distribution of the sacrament.

  • Please remain masked and keep six feet apart when exiting the church and greeting others.

  • MASKED congregational singing is allowed.

Summer Sundays Nursery & Child Care

We are excited to bring back child care on June 27!

Child care is provided for children 6 weeks through 6 years old while parents participate on-site in the 10AM worship service.

  • Child care offered at 10am service only – No child care July 4

  • To register your child, visit Children's Ministry at

  • Staff are required to be vaccinated and wear masks

  • Children 5-6 years old are required to wear masks

  • It is strongly recommended that children 2-4 years old wear masks

Child care is located on the lower level in the Toddler Nursery (Room 9) and the Kindergarten Class (Room 11). For more information visit the Children’s Ministry webpage.

Are You Visiting Us?

If you've been searching for church during this challenging time and have found us online, welcome! We'd like to get to know you!

Though our recorded services have ended, you can view any of our past services online on our home page or on our YouTube channel.

Also, consider attending a service in person Sundays at 8am & 10am. Or watch the service on Facebook Live at 10 a.m.

Explore our website to learn more about us, and consider participating in virtual gatherings and small group offerings. Links to all these can be found on our home page. We are thankful for your presence in our community. If you'd like to receive our weekly emails, sign up here.

Child Care

Starting June 27, we will offer child care for children ages 6 weeks - 6 years while parents participate on-site in the 10AM worship service.

  • Child care offered at 10am service only – No child care July 4

  • To register your child, visit Children's Ministry at

  • Staff are required to be vaccinated and wear masks

  • Children 5-6 years old are required to wear masks

  • It is strongly recommended that children 2-4 years old wear masks

Child care is located on the lower level in the Toddler Nursery (Room 9) and the Kindergarten Class (Room 11). For more information visit, the Children’s Ministry webpage.

We don’t plan newcomer classes until fall. We do look forward to seeing you in our newcomer classes and at our newcomer dinner when we are a healthy world and able to gather freely again. Please make yourself known to Lee Hayden, Director of Newcomer Ministry, to register in our parish. We warmly welcome you to our church family and give thanks to God that you have come.

We’d like to get to know you.

Please, take a minute to fill out the online newcomer form below.

If you have any questions about St. Michael’s and/or becoming a member, we invite you to contact
Lee Hayden, the Director of Operations and Newcomer Ministry.

New Education for Ministry Class Forming

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a unique four- year program in theological education based upon small – group study and practice. Since its founding in 1975 at Sewanee, this international program has assisted more than 100,000 participants in discovering and nurturing their call to Christian service. 

In September, St. Michael’s will form a new four-year class. Won’t you join us? EfM meets weekly on Monday morning from 9:30 a.m.– 11:30 a.m. in the Convocation room from mid-September until the end of May. 

EfM helps the faithful encounter the depth and breadth of the Christian tradition and brings students into conversation with their experiences of the world as they study, worship and engage in theological reflection together. Registration for the fall begins later this month.

If you are interested in joining us, or for more information, please contact Phil Lambe or Chris Laco.

Bible Study & Worship Opportunties

Centering Prayer (Zoom) | Tuesdays at 9 a.m.

If you'd like to participate, please contact one of the leaders.

Contact Nancy Board

Contact Leon Woodruff

Lectionary Bible Study | Wednesdays at 11 a.m.

Join The Rev. Holly Gloff for the weekly Wednesday Bible Study. We will meet on Zoom this Wednesday at 11 a.m. It’s an informal study of the upcoming week’s lectionary readings. All are welcome.

Zoom Link

Lectionary for May 2

12:15 p.m. Wednesday Eucharist 

Join us on Wednesdays in the transept for our traditional Rite One service. No need to sign up. All are welcome. 

Men's Bible Study | Thursdays at 7 a.m.

Join our Zoom meeting each Thursday to discuss the Sunday readings.

Add me to the Zoom List

Lectionary for May 2

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday, April 4, 2021 — Easter Day

Bible Study & Prayer Opportunities

St. Michael’s offers a number of Bible Study opportunities each week that meet safely, by Zoom. We hope you’ll join us.

Wednesday Bible Study

Join The Rev. Holly M. Gloff for the weekly Wednesday Bible Study. We will meet on Zoom each Wednesday from noon–1 p.m.Those who are working can perhaps join us during their lunch hour. It’s an informal study of the upcoming week’s lectionary readings. All are welcome! Questions? Contact Holly M. Gloff.

Bible Study Zoom Link

Morning Prayer

  • Wednesdays at 8 a.m. Led by parishioner Mary McMillan

  • Sundays at 11 a.m. Led by various parishioners

Morning Prayer Zoom Link (for both)

Men's Bible Study | Thursdays at 7 a.m.

Join our Zoom meeting each Thursday to discuss the Sunday readings.

Add me to the Zoom List

Relationship Communication Book Study

Are you interested in communicating better in your personal relationships? The Rev. Anna S. Page will be kicking off a book study focused on communication in relationships this spring. We'll be reading Dr. John Gottman's The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. Time and date to be set. This study is open to anyone — single, in a relationship or married — who wants to work on their ability to communicate.

Sunday, Feb. 7, 2021