Drive-in Church & Eucharist on Sunday!

Each Sunday, we invited you to attend the Eucharist on Facebook Live, followed by in-person distribution of the bread by clergy while everyone remains masked and in their cars.

Parishioners are instructed to drive into the parking lot from Canterbury Road and park in EVERY OTHER SPACE. Please be in place no later than 10 a.m. Everyone is asked to remain in cars until the service has been completed and all are dismissed. Exit by Lewis Farm Road only.

New Time! Join Us for Morning Prayer

Our Sunday morning virtual Morning Prayer on Sundays changes time to 11 a.m. to accommodate those who would like to attend the 10 a.m. Drive-In service. Join members of the St. Michael's community as parishioners lead us in Morning Prayer every Sunday. Whether you pray Morning Prayer every day or never have before, all are welcome to join! For more info. on how to pray the Daily Office, check out this video. Join for Morning Prayer on Sundays by Zoom here:

Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021

Join a Reflection Circle–Week of Jan. 10

St Michael’s Reflection Circles are continuing in 2021, beginning the week of January 10!  All are welcome to join. What are Reflection Circles? Here are some thoughts from participant Hayden Constance. 

“When God closes a door, he opens a window, but it's up to you to find it.” —Jeannette Walls

When concern for the health and lives of our St. Michael's community forced the doors to close, I felt such a sense of sadness and loss. Our church has become the central glue of my life. How could I possibly replace the spiritual growth, love, and purpose I felt within those walls, with my people? 

I decided to join a Reflection Circle in an attempt to fill the void. From the first time the Zoom "window" opened, I felt peace and joy begin to seep into that void. I saw familiar and unfamiliar faces, and we read and shared our reflections on the lectionary for the week. The Circle has introduced me to new friends and reunited me with existing ones. I have grown by listening to how the words of the readings have meaning for each person. I have a dedicated time to reflect on what the Word means to me and calls me to do. I look forward to this time every week and miss it when I cannot attend.

Yes, our doors sadly remain closed, and I continue to feel that loss. However, the Reflection Circle has opened a window which has led me into an opportunity for deeper spiritual growth and new community.

Come join us. Our window is open to all.

The New Year is a great time to join a group. All of the established Reflection Circles will continue into 2021. They are also welcoming new participants.

These small groups (typically 5-9 people in each) meet weekly via Zoom to share our lives, pray, and reflect on upcoming Sunday lectionary readings. Each meeting is scheduled to last 40 minutes and is led by a trained facilitator.

The groups will meet the week of Jan. 10–Feb. 28:

  • Want to join a group?

  • Want more information?

  • All you need to do is e-mail Sam Taylor

Current Group Meeting Times:

  • Mondays at 9 a.m.

  • Mondays at 7:30 p.m.

  • Tuesdays at 10 a.m. (2 groups)

  • Tuesdays at 7 p.m.

  • Wednesdays at 10 a.m.

To sign up, or for more information contact Sam Taylor (908-399-5566) and let him know which time works best for you. If a specific time fills up, or if you would like a different day or time, let us know. We’ll work to create a new group at a time that works.

Christmas Eve Service, Dec. 24, 2020

Christmas Eve Service, Dec. 24, 2020

The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones poses some difficult questions on Christmas Eve 2020, as we gather virtually to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020

Did You Miss our Christmas Eve Service? Watch Now!

Our virtual service of Lessons & Carols remains on YouTube and here. Gather the family and hear many of your favorite hymns sung by St. Michael’s Choirs. Listen as our readers share the story of God’s people. (Feel free to sing along!) The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones is the preacher.

We hope you will join us for this special evening though we are unable to gather. And please continue to pray for healing for all those who have been affected by COVID-19, and for the healing of our nation.

Our Drive-In services on Sunday morning continue. Join us on Sundays at 10 a.m., watch the Eucharist on Facebook Live, and wait in your cars while clergy delivers the wafer safely to you.

Drive-Through Eucharist

Sunday, Jan. 3 at 10 a.m. (Recorded service available at 8 a.m.)

Spanish Eucharist on Facebook Live at 5 p.m.

Our Lives Through the Lens: Weekly Slideshow

Sunday, Dec. 13, 2020

Sunday, Dec. 6, 2020

Sunday, Nov. 29, 2020

Resources for Children

St. Michael's Children's Ministry Team is excited to bring new virtual programs this fall to children ages 2-Fifth Grade. The programs will engage all of our children with visual storytelling and crafts. Stories of the Bible will be taught using a program new to us called Beulah Land (for ages 2-kindergarten) and we will continue using Godly Play for older children.

Stella Attaway will be using Beulah Land©, an interactive felt storyboard kit storytelling and imaginative play. Beulah Land© uses hands-on materials to tell Scripture stories in the context of worship. The felt pieces will be used to tell the original story but can be recombined in an infinite number of ways.

Carolyn L'Italien will continue using Godly Play for our 1st-3rd grade Sunday School classes. The program allows children to see where God is present in their own lives while exploring Bible stories with play and wonder. In Godly Play, children are led through the story with play figures and after are focused on “I wonder” questions from what they have heard. 

Both programs will be presented on video and posted each Sunday morning on We hope parents will tune in with their children to learn about these programs and how together they can explore the stories of God's love in our world.

Chapel Videos

Sunday, Oct. 11, 2020

Fall 2020 Archangel

Though Archangel has been delayed in mailing, you can now read your copy here. Read stories from our clergy, find yourselves in the pews, in the hallways of Rex Hospital and in your own driveway, as we navigate our world, together though apart.

The Blessing of God's Animals

St. Francis was the Patron Saint of Animals. Each October, we honor him and our faithful companions.

Last Sunday, we had a lovely afternoon honoring our faithful companions
at our drive-thru-blessing of the animals.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the SPCA collection! We received several bags of pet food/supplies as well as monetary donations.

Watch our slide show below.

Sunday, Sept. 13, 2020

Adult Christian Formation: Teachable Moments
Who, What, When, Where, Why and Today? The Lesser-Known Saints and Feast Days in the Episcopal Church

Today: Holy Cross Day, with the Rev. Dr. James L. Pahl, Jr.

St. Michael’s Children’s Ministry Presents: The Story of Creation, using Godly Play

Holy Eucharist Live Videos on Wednesdays and Sundays

Starting Wednesday, July 22, the Rev. Greg Jones will celebrate Holy Eucharist live via Facebook Live, and we invite everyone to participate.

Services times:

Wednesdays, 12:15 pm

Sundays, 5 pm

Following the Sunday services, parishioners are invited to share in an agape meal — love feast — in their homes.

Read more about it here. We hope to continue these services as long as our doors are closed.

An Order for At Home Love Feast

  • Set out a plate with bread, olive oil, olives, grapes, or other items.

  • Light a candle on the table.

  • Blessing over the food: Come Lord Jesus, our Guest to be, And bless these gifts bestowed by Thee. Bless thy dear ones everywhere, and keep them in thy loving care. Amen

  • Conclude with the Lord's Prayer

Participating in the live broadcast is easy!

Connect with us on the St. Michael’s Facebook page.

Don’t have a Facebook account? We’ll email a direct link to the video, but you can access it here. You do not need a Facebook account to watch.

We hope you’ll take advantage of these new offerings, as our time apart from each other continues.