Sunday, Feb. 28, 2021

Sunday, Feb. 21, 2021

Sunday, Feb 14, 2021

Bible Study & Prayer Opportunities

St. Michael’s offers a number of Bible Study opportunities each week that meet safely, by Zoom. We hope you’ll join us.

Wednesday Bible Study

Join The Rev. Holly M. Gloff for the weekly Wednesday Bible Study. We will meet on Zoom each Wednesday from noon–1 p.m.Those who are working can perhaps join us during their lunch hour. It’s an informal study of the upcoming week’s lectionary readings. All are welcome! Questions? Contact Holly M. Gloff.

Bible Study Zoom Link

Morning Prayer

  • Wednesdays at 8 a.m. Led by parishioner Mary McMillan

  • Sundays at 11 a.m. Led by various parishioners

Morning Prayer Zoom Link (for both)

Men's Bible Study | Thursdays at 7 a.m.

Join our Zoom meeting each Thursday to discuss the Sunday readings.

Add me to the Zoom List

Relationship Communication Book Study

Are you interested in communicating better in your personal relationships? The Rev. Anna S. Page will be kicking off a book study focused on communication in relationships this spring. We'll be reading Dr. John Gottman's The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. Time and date to be set. This study is open to anyone — single, in a relationship or married — who wants to work on their ability to communicate.

Sunday, Feb. 7, 2021

February Outreach: The Women’s Center

Our February collection will assist The Women's Center. The Center provides safe day shelter, as well as critical, life-saving services.

Women's Clothing (all sizes needed):

  • tennis shoes

  • winter boots

  • heavy water-resistant winter coats

  • jeans, hoodies

  • sweatshirts

Other Items requested:

  • individual coffee creamers

  • sugar packets

  • Splenda

  • protein drinks

  • Gatorade

  • boxes of trash bags

Items can be left in the Red Bin outside the Parish Hall

Monday—Thursday 9 a.m.– 4 p.m. | Fridays 9 a.m.– 2 p.m.

Day School Openings for 2021-22

St. Michael's Parish Day School offers half-day classes for ages 6 months-Kindergarten.

Our Kindergarten class meets from 9:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m. Monday through Friday, and the curriculum is based on kindergarten standards set forth by the NC Department of Public Instruction. All other Day School classes (ages 6 month-Pre-K) meet from 9:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

We have ended our official registration period for the 2021-22 school year, but we will continue to accept applications for the classes that have spaces remaining: Pre-K, 4 day 3 year olds, 5 day 3 year olds, TuTh Older 2 year olds, TuTh Younger 2 year olds, and TuTh Babies.

The following classes are full, but you may add your child's name to the wait list by contacting our director, Mandy Annunziata: Kindergarten, MWF Older 2s, MWF Younger 2s, MW Older Toddlers, TuTh Younger Toddlers. If there is enough interest, we have room to add another TuTh Toddler class.

For more information or to schedule a tour, please contact Mandy at or 919-782-6430.

Sunday, Jan. 31, 2021

Sunday, Jan. 24, 2021

Sunday, Jan. 17, 2021

Sunday, Jan. 10, 2021

Teachable Moment Series for Epipany: The Return of the Prodigal Son

Beginning Sunday, Jan.10 and continuing through Sunday, Feb.14, please tune-in for the short "Teachable Moment" videos on the Prodigal Son. As we enter the new year and now Epiphany (the Season of Lights), we begin a six-week series based on the book The Return of the Prodigal Son by the late Catholic priest and theologian, Henri Nouwen. This is not a book study per se, rather short teachings each week based on the book that will take us deeper into this parable from the Gospel of Luke 15.

Nouwen wrote this book based on his experience with Rembrandt’s famous rendition of the Prodigal Son that is on display in the Hermitage in Russia. As he sat across from the painting for hours, new revelations of this parable manifested themselves as the light hit the painting from different angles. For to be human is to encounter nature, people, art and ideas.When we allow these encounters to speak to us, challenge us, change us, then we are truly human, created anew over and over by Gods transforming power through the created world. Are we observers or participants? Presented by clergy and others. Join us!

Drive-in Church & Eucharist on Sunday!

Each Sunday, we invited you to attend the Eucharist on Facebook Live, followed by in-person distribution of the bread by clergy while everyone remains masked and in their cars.

Parishioners are instructed to drive into the parking lot from Canterbury Road and park in EVERY OTHER SPACE. Please be in place no later than 10 a.m. Everyone is asked to remain in cars until the service has been completed and all are dismissed. Exit by Lewis Farm Road only.

New Time! Join Us for Morning Prayer

Our Sunday morning virtual Morning Prayer on Sundays changes time to 11 a.m. to accommodate those who would like to attend the 10 a.m. Drive-In service. Join members of the St. Michael's community as parishioners lead us in Morning Prayer every Sunday. Whether you pray Morning Prayer every day or never have before, all are welcome to join! For more info. on how to pray the Daily Office, check out this video. Join for Morning Prayer on Sundays by Zoom here:

Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021

Join a Reflection Circle–Week of Jan. 10

St Michael’s Reflection Circles are continuing in 2021, beginning the week of January 10!  All are welcome to join. What are Reflection Circles? Here are some thoughts from participant Hayden Constance. 

“When God closes a door, he opens a window, but it's up to you to find it.” —Jeannette Walls

When concern for the health and lives of our St. Michael's community forced the doors to close, I felt such a sense of sadness and loss. Our church has become the central glue of my life. How could I possibly replace the spiritual growth, love, and purpose I felt within those walls, with my people? 

I decided to join a Reflection Circle in an attempt to fill the void. From the first time the Zoom "window" opened, I felt peace and joy begin to seep into that void. I saw familiar and unfamiliar faces, and we read and shared our reflections on the lectionary for the week. The Circle has introduced me to new friends and reunited me with existing ones. I have grown by listening to how the words of the readings have meaning for each person. I have a dedicated time to reflect on what the Word means to me and calls me to do. I look forward to this time every week and miss it when I cannot attend.

Yes, our doors sadly remain closed, and I continue to feel that loss. However, the Reflection Circle has opened a window which has led me into an opportunity for deeper spiritual growth and new community.

Come join us. Our window is open to all.

The New Year is a great time to join a group. All of the established Reflection Circles will continue into 2021. They are also welcoming new participants.

These small groups (typically 5-9 people in each) meet weekly via Zoom to share our lives, pray, and reflect on upcoming Sunday lectionary readings. Each meeting is scheduled to last 40 minutes and is led by a trained facilitator.

The groups will meet the week of Jan. 10–Feb. 28:

  • Want to join a group?

  • Want more information?

  • All you need to do is e-mail Sam Taylor

Current Group Meeting Times:

  • Mondays at 9 a.m.

  • Mondays at 7:30 p.m.

  • Tuesdays at 10 a.m. (2 groups)

  • Tuesdays at 7 p.m.

  • Wednesdays at 10 a.m.

To sign up, or for more information contact Sam Taylor (908-399-5566) and let him know which time works best for you. If a specific time fills up, or if you would like a different day or time, let us know. We’ll work to create a new group at a time that works.

Christmas Eve Service, Dec. 24, 2020

Christmas Eve Service, Dec. 24, 2020

The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones poses some difficult questions on Christmas Eve 2020, as we gather virtually to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Sunday, Dec. 20, 2020

Did You Miss our Christmas Eve Service? Watch Now!

Our virtual service of Lessons & Carols remains on YouTube and here. Gather the family and hear many of your favorite hymns sung by St. Michael’s Choirs. Listen as our readers share the story of God’s people. (Feel free to sing along!) The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones is the preacher.

We hope you will join us for this special evening though we are unable to gather. And please continue to pray for healing for all those who have been affected by COVID-19, and for the healing of our nation.

Our Drive-In services on Sunday morning continue. Join us on Sundays at 10 a.m., watch the Eucharist on Facebook Live, and wait in your cars while clergy delivers the wafer safely to you.

Drive-Through Eucharist

Sunday, Jan. 3 at 10 a.m. (Recorded service available at 8 a.m.)

Spanish Eucharist on Facebook Live at 5 p.m.