Though Archangel has been delayed in mailing, you can now read your copy here. Read stories from our clergy, find yourselves in the pews, in the hallways of Rex Hospital and in your own driveway, as we navigate our world, together though apart.
The Blessing of God's Animals
St. Francis was the Patron Saint of Animals. Each October, we honor him and our faithful companions.
Last Sunday, we had a lovely afternoon honoring our faithful companions
at our drive-thru-blessing of the animals.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the SPCA collection! We received several bags of pet food/supplies as well as monetary donations.
Watch our slide show below.
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Reminder: Don’t forget the Drive-Through Blessing of the Animals today from 4-5 pm. Bring your dogs and cats and gerbils, your birds and zany reptiles, even the ashes of your beloved departed pets. We will bless them all! Please stay in your cars and wear masks. We will be collecting pet food and other supplies for the SPCA of Wake County.
Sunday, Sept. 27, 2020
Are you looking to find ways to involve your teenager?
Virtual EYC—1st & 3rd Sundays !
This fall, middle school and high school students will meet with Abby and EYC leaders on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month via Zoom. We will send out an email to parents and students, who are registered, with the link to the Zoom. Join us for formation, activities, conversations and fellowship as we connect digitally.
Sunday, Sept. 20, 2020
Are you looking to find ways to involve your teenager?
Virtual EYC—1st & 3rd Sundays !
This fall, middle school and high school students will meet with Abby and EYC leaders on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month via Zoom. We will send out an email to parents and students, who are registered, with the link to the Zoom. Join us for formation, activities, conversations and fellowship as we connect digitally.
Sunday, Sept. 13, 2020
Service & Sermon
Adult Christian Formation: Teachable Moments
Who, What, When, Where, Why and Today? The Lesser-Known Saints and Feast Days in the Episcopal Church
Today: Holy Cross Day, with the Rev. Dr. James L. Pahl, Jr.
St. Michael’s Children’s Ministry Presents: The Story of Creation, using Godly Play
Online Choir Registration for Children & Youth
Although in-person rehearsals are suspended temporarily, we'll offer online activities this fall to support our wonderful choir community and prepare for the day when we can rehearse together again! Register online now for choirs for children and teens (4 years of age through 12th grade). Learn more about our choirs HERE.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Holy Eucharist Live Videos on Wednesdays and Sundays
Starting Wednesday, July 22, the Rev. Greg Jones will celebrate Holy Eucharist live via Facebook Live, and we invite everyone to participate.
Services times:
Wednesdays, 12:15 pm
Sundays, 5 pm
Following the Sunday services, parishioners are invited to share in an agape meal — love feast — in their homes.
Read more about it here. We hope to continue these services as long as our doors are closed.
An Order for At Home Love Feast
Set out a plate with bread, olive oil, olives, grapes, or other items.
Light a candle on the table.
Blessing over the food: Come Lord Jesus, our Guest to be, And bless these gifts bestowed by Thee. Bless thy dear ones everywhere, and keep them in thy loving care. Amen
Conclude with the Lord's Prayer
Participating in the live broadcast is easy!
Connect with us on the St. Michael’s Facebook page.
Don’t have a Facebook account? We’ll email a direct link to the video, but you can access it here. You do not need a Facebook account to watch.
We hope you’ll take advantage of these new offerings, as our time apart from each other continues.
New Adult Forum Program—Fall 2020
This fall, St. Michael’s will be offering short, five- to 10-minute video teachings called, “Teachable Moments.” These engaging Sunday videos will be taking a closer look at the lesser-known saints and feast days we recognize in the Church.
Who were they?
What did they do?
When did they live?
Where did they carry-out their ministry?
Why were they so passionate.
What impact do they have upon us today?
September 13—Holy Cross Day
The Rev. Dr. James L. Pahl, Jr.
It was in Jerusalem on Sept. 14, that a relic of the true cross was discovered, and that day has been set aside for commemoration ever since.
September 20—Mildred Holland, Wife of The Rev. William Holland Huntingfield, Suffolk, England
The Rev. Holly Gloff
Mrs. Holland lay on her back on scaffolding to recreate the splendor of a 15th century Angel ceiling in a parish called St. Mary the Virgin.
September 27—Remigius, Bishop of Rheims
The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones
At the age of 22, Remigius became Bishop of Rheims. He gave the famous charge: “Worship what you have burned, and burn what you have worshiped.”
October 4—Bishops Atkinson, Delaney, & Curry
The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones
Greg will take a look at these Bishops.
October 11—St. Francis of Assisi & Animal Blessings
The Rev. Holly Gloff
Son of a prosperous businessman, Francis gave it all up to serve the Lord with great meekness and gentleness of spirit. He is associated with the blessing of all creatures. And at 4 p.m. on October 4, we’ll host a drive-through Animal Blessing for all.
October 18—Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, & Thomas Cranmer
The Rev. Dr. James L. Pahl, Jr.
Hugh Latimer said to his friend Nicholas Ridley, as they were both about to be burned as heretics for their teachings and beliefs: “Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man; we shall this day light such a candle by God’s grace in England as (I trust) shall never be put out.” Greg will take a look at these men and at Thomas Cranmer, who wrote the Book of Common Prayer.
October 25—St. Simon & St. Jude, Apostles
Two faithful disciples of the Lord, who were zealous in their mission.
October 25—All Saints’ Day
The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones
“I sing a song of the saints of God, patient and brave and true, who toiled and fought and lived and died for the Lord they loved and knew.”
November 8—Virtual Gifts of Grace
November 15 —Hilda, Abbess of Whitby
The Rev. Holly Gloff
Renowned for her wisdom, eagerness for learning, and devotion to God, Hilda entered the monastic life and played a major role in preaching the gospel of peace. November 22—Clement of Rome Early Church father, third Bishop of Rome, Clement preached the Gospel of Christ and set forth a hierarchical view of Church authority.
November 22—Clement of Rome
Early Church father, third Bishop of Rome, Clement preached the Gospel of Christ and set forth a hierarchical view of Church authority.